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Gene Therapy and Genetic Enhancement

The human body and other organisms consist of cells with two parts known as Genes that determine their growth and functionality. Every organism inherits genes from two parents, thus making it possible for parents to pass various traits on to their offspring. Experts in the genetic field have innovated technologies to alter and improve the genetic materials of organisms. Gene therapy involves altering genes to rectify genetic issues and help cure or prevent genetic diseases. On the other hand, gene enhancement consists of changing the genes to give organisms abnormal capabilities.

Gene Therapy and Genetic Enhancement in Transforming Somatic and Reproductive Cells

An organism has two essential cells, which are somatic and reproductive cells. Somatic cells help in making body organs, including lungs, skin, and heart, among others. The cells are far different from each other, and thus, altering their genetic material will not affect the offspring as it is not passed to the next generation. On the contrary, genetic alteration of reproductive cells, which include sperm and egg cells, is passed to the offspring. This means that altering reproductive cells changes an offspring’s somatic cells.

Techniques of Gene Alteration

Alteration of genes is mainly accompanied by two challenges: what modification to make to a gene and how to integrate the change in other cells to get the desired result. It is vital to make sure that the technique used overcomes these challenges and ensures successful alteration. The first technique is replacing the DNA in the gene with a different DNA from another organism. Second, the gene can be forced to mutate, and third, certain chemicals can be used to turn off the gene and make it inactive.

Additionally, various ways can be used to spread the genetic alteration to all cells that need to be altered. For instance, when the alteration is of a reproductive cell, it is possible to change a few other cells to ensure that the change reaches the other somatic cells since those somatic cells were created during the development of an organism. However, it would be impractical to alter all the other individual somatic cells when the gene alteration was on somatic cells due to their large number. In such cases, the best way is to use a vector or a carrier for effective results.

Importance of Gene Therapy and Gene Enhancement

Gene therapy offers solutions that cure diseases and eliminate genetic disorders. It also helps prevent diseases in people whose genes predispose them to certain problems. Through gene synthesis, which involves adding functional gene copies to a person’s cells, genetic diseases can be successfully treated. Gene therapy of reproductive cells prevents children from inheriting bad genes from their parents.

Genetic enhancement has been helpful in the agricultural sector through genetically modified organisms (GMO). It has helped make crops that can resist pesticides and herbicides, making it possible for farmers to use those chemicals to kill weeds without the fear of harming their plants. Genetic enhancement has also been used to develop human insulin and growth hormones to treat blood clotting.

Genetic alteration innovations have enhanced the health sector and enabled practitioners to develop cures for deadly diseases. With these technologies, it is possible to prevent children from inheriting defective genes from their parents. Implementing the correct gene alteration technique enables practitioners to achieve the desired results without challenges.